It’s time to ring the wedding bells for all the Aquarians who have been strongly holding on to their darlings for more than a year. Your dating sweetheart can now be your soul mate. It’s the folklore woven with love that will create the perfect magic of the stars being plucked to ornament the union.
The magnetic fields that your artistic and healing fingers have woven, will induce you with monetary yielding. It’s the whisper of the karma. Having served your clients well, it’s time for some marvelous rewards.
Your body is trying to communicate with you, by letting out some vital signals. Listen to them. It’s your inner body strumming that isn’t going too good. Reading on mediation, exercise and food patterns will help you establish a fine tuned body strumming. This will also proportionately counter your stress levels, leaving a charming you.
A lengthy ride by the road will be preferable.
It’s time for you to scatter some universal love. Causes bigger and higher than us have an innate nature to set in motion some beautiful and magical vibrations. Your luck will bring in the oscillation of this tuning fork with your friends.
Your perception toward life is that of it being a stable and definite complex, rather than a random network of entropy. This gives you sharp methodology towards your life, in balance to your panoramic or open-minded vision.