

If you have recently exited a relationship, it’s very likely that you aren’t at a “good place” right now. It takes time to heal, Leo. This is all normal and a part of the process.
Financially, you are doing well, but you could be doing a lot better. You definitely need a new source of income. Have you tried monetizing a hobby?
Your health is currently good. If you are working out today, make sure that you stretch and warm up your body before working out. That way, you avoid any possible muscle damage.
The ideal place for you to visit is going to be Egypt. It’s such a gorgeous country, so rich with history, and so full of adventures.
Jupiter is sending out good vibes. Your lucky numbers are going to be 8, 43, 12, 10 and 87 today.
With the your ruler planet sending out strange energy, it would be best if you sorted out some emotional things from the past.

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