

Today, taken Scorpio might feel like your partner isn’t trying hard enough or doing their best. You may feel a bit annoyed. Single Scorpio might feel flirty around Taurus signs.
You may have an opportunity to earn more money. Try to be as diligent as you can. Don’t worry about the talk that’s going around the office, just focus on finishing your tasks.
Your body really needs at least seven hours of sleep, and you currently aren’t giving your body what it needs. Focus on this.
If you are traveling to a country where you don’t speak the native language, it’s always good to learn a couple of the common phrases like “Hello, my name is” and “thank you”.
Your lucky numbers are 87, 19, 12, and 21. Jupiter is sending good energy.
You may feel a bit frustrated today. If you get upset, try to count to 10 when feeling angry.

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