

Tension is in the air tonight… However, not the good kind! If there is a fight with your partner, do your best to stay above the situation. Don’t raise your voice, and stay calm.
Employed signs should try to socialize more at work. Make those connections! If you are unemployed, then today might just be that day when you get the call.
Your weak spot will be your throat, so don’t drink very cold drinks today. You could really go to the doctor and get a health checkup.
The ideal place for you to travel to is going to be Saint Helena. It may be tricky to get there, but it’s absolutely worth it.
You will feel the effect that your ruler planet has over you today. Expect lots of (seemingly) random luck.
Emotionally, you seem like you are doing fine. There is more to it than meets the eye. Talk to a few of your close friends today.

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