

With mercury retrograde conjunct your 5th house ruler, impulse control is very hard when it comes to romantic feelings and so you may just get into situations which are terrific in the now, but a little complicated down the line.
A great day to bring others together for either business related fun, to establish bonds or team building initiatives – whatever you touch, you add fun and a certain flash of style. You have the ability to make others feel good about what they are doing and thus you get more from them.
Aquarians need to feed the soul and you need food which really hits the spot – traditional meals that are hearty and satisfying are better options than diet food as if you eat a salad you will just snack on bad stuff later negating the low calorie salad.
Aquarius are lucky in debate and where you have to stand up for your ideas and rights.
Travel by high speed train or plane over a short distance is favored.
A time when you wear emotions on your sleeve and enjoy the caring and sharing side of life.

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