

You are quick to react to anything which undermines you or threatens your independence – this can be a good time to redraw some boundaries and let your partner know what’s what in terms of the relationship.
You can certainly get things done, but not without cost as in your haste and determination feelings are often not considered – Sagittarius are after short terms gains and you do not care how you get them.
Life is hectic and chaotic and you have to keep the energy flowing – you need to increase Vitamin B12 and perhaps supplement with co enzyme q10 or bio PQQ. Avoid too much caffeine and sugar and eat bananas, grapes and avocados.
Mercury square your 5th ruler, brings luck in decision making about children.
Travel for a competition is favored.
It is important to look at bad dreams and see if the symbols reveal anything to you, but you have to be objective and not just look to reinforce any guilt you may be having.

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