

You may get involved in long-winded debates with others that are, in fact, a waste of time and energy – do not feel the need to prove or validate yourself.
Intimate conversations are very important – did you ever notice how you stopped talking? Yes, you talk about the kids, money, chores, the new car, etc., but you need to start talking erotically again.
Hedge your bets, and watch your cash flow over this busy period. You need to ensure that you have a plan B when it comes to financing this month – you may need to borrow from Peter to pay Paul as even if business is great over the holiday, you may have a shortage of cash to cover new stock or extra staff wages.
You want to express yourself – verbally, emotionally and affectionately and so you need quality time with those you care for and who care for you.
Sagittarians are lucky in developing a new skill related to travel ie learning to hang glide, sail, fly or drive.
There is luck when you take a spontaneous and unexpected decision.

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