

If things are confusing and do not make any sense and also if there seems no justice today, do not try and reason it out – logic cannot decipher Neptune, often only time can make sense of it. In many cases, the cloud passes and you can forget about it.
Close personal relationships, especially marriage, make demands on you spiritually, you may be dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t.
Double check before you fire off emails or tweets or any communication which cannot be taken back – it is worth one more glance to see if you could just word it a little differently to improve impact and lessen any possibility it is taken the wrong way.
One can only do what seems best at the time and so be decisive and do what you feel needs to be done. Doing nothing is not a good option.
Travel or even booking travel to somewhere you have dreamed about is favoured.
You are lucky in impressing people in authority.

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