

Watch what you say in relationships as anything you say will be held against you. Do not give your partner ammunition; say nothing that will be thrown back in your face.
Gemini’s dual nature is very much in evidence today as Mercury goes direct in Pisces; you want to communicate and yet you also feel you need to play your cards close to your chest and be more selective about what you say and to who.
Dreams may keep you awake at night and sleep can be restless; it is often hard to stop certain themes playing over and over again in your head – avoid alcohol tonight as it can make mental turmoil worse.
Travel to a convention is favored.
Mercury going direct in your 10th brings luck in getting momentum going with new ideas for life direction.
Waves of self-doubt are characteristic of this period and many a time you may want to throw in the towel, thinking, “I just cannot do this!” You will, however, be amazed at your courage and ability to cope.

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