

New relationships that start can be extremely dynamic and also quite hectic – they will not follow any of the rules of relationships, and for that reason can require a great deal of adjustment, but they can also bring excitement and change into your life.
You need to consider when you start something if you will have the time, money or skills to put in at a later date to ensure it works – just because something works for someone else does not mean that it will work for you, especially if you have differing skills and experience.
Finishing what you start is vital right now, and you do not want loose ends and half-done projects hanging about. If it is clear that you no longer want to complete something you had begun, let anyone concerned know and cancel it – get it out of your hair.
Travel to a log cabin or camping is favored.
You are lucky in property development and investments.
You must create some clarity for your loved ones about your true feelings about events and key decisions right now – have your say and be honest.

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