

Relationships can be a great area of learning and self-evolvement – we often dislike people who have traits that we do not like in ourselves, so it is worth examining those who you take a dislike to and asking yourself what they can teach you about yourself and how you can change for the better.
There is a big focus on interpersonal communication, both intimate and business. The way you see yourself is affected both positively and indeed, negatively, by those you are close to or those you associate with business-wise.
Health is improved, but it is not just about your health, it is important that you help others follow your lead and pursue better health practices themselves.
Travel which is a mix of business and pleasure is favored.
You are very lucky in job interviews and applications.
Harmony and balance are very important to your emotional growth, and you will strive for this in all your intimate contacts – but remember, you cannot be all things to all people.

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