

Today’s planetary alignment incline to suggest a cautionary approach in terms of your overall physical well-being.Consider a different life style, be more active, eat healthier and the benefits will surely follow.
Love and relationships in general, could be put through some though tests today for Sagittarius born.Your strong character showed to others might be an impediment in making new connections, so keep an open mind at all times.
With some though times behind you, the universe will find a way of balancing all out and some good times in terms of available money are likely to arrive.This in turn could lead to satisfactions, in your current job and your situation overall.
You shall be able to express your feelings towards your family and loved ones. Interaction with people would increase. Atmosphere at home shall be lively. Someone from past shall get in touch with you for help.
You shall have memorable trip with your loved ones. Be aware of spending more than expected.
You shall experience good luck with increase in social status.

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