

You’re thinking out of the box right now. Being your passionate self, you are chasing the lubb and dubb of your heart beat. Your romance cubes are on their own rotations of fantasies and surrealism. Trailing the butterfly of wild colors, those who do not keep up with your pace are sure to blot out. You are right now a painter of abstract art.
Energy driven, your passion will percolate into your goal-achieving. Your constructive aggression will channelize all your blood to be the very best of your true self this New Year.
You perpetually want to enjoy yourself in whatever you do. Relishing every moment of work and party is your real substance. Thus anything that is monotonous and dry won’t charm you.
Historic sites like museums will amuse you. Feel like getting into meditative furrow? Then the God’s House is a place to crave for. It’s time to visit a church then.
Inauguration and new start ups will be lucky for you. Trade in new IT products will be a lucky card too.
You are an introvert today. Keeping your thoughts to yourself, you will be into much deeper layers of contemplation.

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